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1184 professional(s) found

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  • Gui Rong XIAN

    Gui Rong XIAN

    Membership number: M-883

    Massage Tuina, Massothérapie, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Cristina Loredana ANDRONE

    Cristina Loredana ANDRONE

    Membership number: M-882

    Alimentation, Body Therapy, Digestion, Digestive discorders, Massothérapie, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Nutrition holistique, Nutritional Therapy

    See profile
  • Xiaodong ZHANG

    Xiaodong ZHANG

    Membership number: M-897

    Massage Oriental, Massothérapie, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Jing Yi TANG

    Jing Yi TANG

    Membership number: M-899

    Acupression, Acupuncture sans aiguilles, Massage, Massage Tui Na, Massothérapie, Naturopathy, chinese massage therapy

    See profile
  • Ying Jie ZHAN

    Ying Jie ZHAN

    Membership number: M-900

    Massage, Massothérapie, Naturopath , Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Ni WANG

    Ni WANG

    Membership number: M-206


    See profile
  • Rachel ST-MAURICE

    Rachel ST-MAURICE

    Membership number: M-257

    See profile


    Membership number: M-902


    See profile
  • Jun Jie CAO

    Jun Jie CAO

    Membership number: M-978

    Massothérapie, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Yara BERD

    Yara BERD

    Membership number: M-981

    Massotherapy, Massothérapie

    See profile
  • Mariana MOSCA

    Mariana MOSCA

    Membership number: M-942

    Massage Thaï Yoga, Massage Thaïlandais, Massothérapie

    See profile


    Membership number: M-946

    Massothérapie, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Hong Yu LEI

    Hong Yu LEI, C Santé

    Membership number: M-935

    Activité physique, Acupression, Acupuncture sans aiguilles, Alimentation, Allergies, Approche psychocorporelle/spirituelle, Aromatherapy, Aromathérapie, Bachelor of Biological, Bilan de santé, Chinese herbology, Coach holistique, Coaching de vie , Coaching en santé naturelle, Counseling, Digestive discorders, Dépression, Désintoxication, Détoxication, Ear Reflexology, Enfants/Adultes, Entraînement, Femmes enceintes, Fertilité, Foie, Foot Reflexology, Gestion du poids, Head massage, Holistic Perinatal Health, Hypoglycémie, Inflammatory intestinal disease, Intégration mémorielle, Iridologie, Iridology, Massage Chinois, Massage Méridiens, Massage Tui Na, Massage des tissus profonds, Massage réflexologique, Massothérapie, Medecine chinese traditional, Meridians Lines Stimulation, Médecine tradionnelle chinoise, Ménopause, Natural health consultant , Naturopath, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Phytotherapy, Pieds Diabétique, Problème féminin, Prévention de la douleur, Qi-Gong, Reflexology, Réflexologie, Réflexologie des pieds et des mains, Réflexologie intégrale, Taï Chi, Types glandulaires, Ventouse, Weight management, chinese massage therapy

    See profile
  • Erica TICKLE

    Erica TICKLE

    Membership number: M-952

    Massothérapie, Rolfing massage

    See profile
  • Marie-Hélène TRIQUET

    Marie-Hélène TRIQUET, Marie-Hélène TRIQUET

    Membership number: M-953

    Masso-kinesitherapie, Massothérapie, Naturothérapie

    See profile

rong>Attention ! Please note that this directory contains only the list of Massage therapists who wish to make their contact information public This does not constitute the complete list of RMQ members. If you wish to validate the membership status of a member, please use our validation tool by clicking here, or contact us by phone at1 450 824-3550 or toll free at 1 888 268-2516