
Complete registration

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Veuillez compléter le formulaire ci-dessous, puis appuyer sur suivant. Le système pourra alors créer votre dossier client. Vous pourrez ensuite prendre rendez-vous

Consentement aux soins et à la collecte de données personnelles

Quebec legislation recognizes the fundamental and inalienable right of every person to participate in decisions related to their own body and health. This right cannot be infringed by anyone without their free and enlightened consent. The consent of one parent is sufficient for minors under the age of 14. The practitioner must obtain consent from both parents before providing services to the child if there is a divergence of opinion or conflict situation between them.

Therefore, I consent in a free and conscious way, to obtain the care and services of my alternative health care practitioner for myself or my child under the age of 14.

I consent to the collection of personal information that is necessary to establish my client file and ensure quality service.

My practitioner is bound by a code of ethics for keeping records and managing personal data, as follows (taken from the code of ethics):

5.a The member is responsible for creating a file for each client and updating it in accordance with the Association's standards. This file must include, at a minimum, the following information: name, sex, age, address, telephone number, medical history, dates of consultations, nature of care provided of each consultation and recommendations made. It must also include the Consent to care and personal data collection form.

5.h All documents and personal data collected and held are the responsibility of the member. To ensure confidentiality, the member takes all reasonable measures.

5.i The member keeps the client's file securely for a period of five years following the last service rendered to the client. After this period, the member is responsible for destroying the entire file.

5.j In case of a personal data leak, the member is obligated to inform their client and report the incident to the Commission d'accès à l'information.

I acknowledge that I have the right to revoke my consent at any time, whether it's implicit, verbal, or in writing.